Saturday, 14 May 2011

The Program Initiative

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The Program Initiative are a newish band, specialising in spacey rock instrumentals - likely to appeal to Pink Floyd and Tangerine Dream Fans.  They don't have any CDs out yet, but you can listen to full pieces of their stunning music at:

I think their appeal could be universal, and so I predict that they will be huge one day.  I found out about the band as they played near where I live twice - unfortunately I was not able to make either show, but I am hooked on the music.   They are from Southampton, England and the members are Oliver Barnett, Richard Bell, Edward Dowell and Matthew Huxted.  I don't have much information beyond this - has anyone caught one of their shows?

STOP PRESS - There is an album available entitled "Mercury (Phase 1)" available as an mp3 download from Amazon US and UK, and as a CD at gigs!  I will try to track down a copy of the latter as I don't like mp3s - I would pay for FLACs but not squashed audio.

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